Find out Fridays - February 2nd

Find out Fridays - February 2nd
Posted on 02/02/2024

The Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the first in a series of bimonthly posts providing business benefits funding, skills training, and recruitment incentives for hiring new staff.

Did you know - there are hundreds of benefits available from both the federal and provincial governments, but they are not always well publicized? Stay tuned here and we will dig up some good options every second Friday.

Here's this weeks round-up:

Business Skills development workshops through Community Futures B.C.:
There are more than 20 different workshops available that address a wide range of business topics including marketing and research, skills in financial analysis and business development, HR issues, and communications, and more. Check it out here:

Business Training reimbursement of up to $5000:
Qualifying businesses may apply for a Reimbursement to cover Business Training costs for education, training and/or certification that directly relates to the business’s ongoing resilience and sustainability

StrongerBC future skills grant for $3500:
Thinking of developing personal skills? Every BC resident is eligible to receive up to $3500 in funding for eligible short-term skills training at public post secondary institutions. Check this out and learn something new:

If you need help filling out applications or want to talk in more detail about what options there are for your business, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We are here to help you and your business!

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